God bless all the folks at Peaks Care Center and the Skyline Kiwanis Club for a great 2020 Thanksgiving holiday event!

As usual, Donna Hartley, from PCC, Dan Vonalt and his Kiwanis clan coordinated the effort and spent his time buying the fixings, while Jim Dill procured the turkeys again for a fine Thanks Giving dinner for 63 elderly residents!

Several Kiwanis members worked over at Jeff and Lori’s house preparing all the food for delivery. Too many folks to list here, but thanks to all of you. Also, thanks to Jeff and Lori for again opening your home for food prep!

Here is a little feed back that Donna shared with us via email:

The Mountain View Plaza Thanksgiving meal was a big hit with the residents.  The food was delicious and the residents were so appreciative.  We even received a few handwritten thank you notes, and a very thoughtful letter containing some choice punctuation, a lot of BOLD PRINT and double underlined warnings about a government takeover at the Plaza.   We were very touched by the thoughtfulness and concern expressed in the letter and I hope Scott saved it for show-and-tell at the next meeting.  I’d say it helped set the tone for a curvy conversation about politics and…chicken shit, two topics that Bill and Scott stitched together nicely with a few threads of fine bourbon.   Thanks to all who were able to chip in, and a special thanks to Jeff and Lori for the use of their kitchen space, it was a lot of fun!