As we’ve done for the past several years, Skyline Kiwanis is again sending out dozens of our wonderful volunteers to local area stores to support folks right here in Longmont. Like always, Skyline Kiwanis is focused on helping local non-profits and folks in need. Please come support us “bell ringers” at the King Soopers on Pace or at Hobby Lobby and help those less fortunate in our community. If you would like to volunteer to do some bell ringing between Dec 1st-17th with the coolest gang in Longmont, give us a shout!

Some info on Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is a nongovernmental relief agency that provides practical assistance to people in need. The Salvation Army has 7,200 centers of operation around the country and is committed to using donations wisely and efficiently. Approximately 82 percent of all donations received by The Salvation Army go directly to programs that help people in need. The Salvation Army is also committed to eradicating poverty and caring for people who are struggling socially, mentally, physically, and in spirit.

If you would like to donate to the Salvation Army, here is the Salvation Army link.